WORKS - Tango/Jazz/Song
„Dank für die sinnlich genussvolle Komposition.“ (Katharina Apostolidis, NMZ)
Tango (Arrangements for violin and piano)
10 Tangos and Milongas. (2005):
Band 1 FHM
Band 2 FHM
Band 3 FHM
Nocturne (Romance, piano solo, 2006)
Suite Tango for violin and piano (2012)
Jazz (songs and instrumentals)
The Crane Book, Songs und Instrumentals after poetry
from Stephen Crane, (real book, 2012)
Crane Hearts for saxophon quartet
Crane Hearts for two violins
Tongue of wood (1986/2015) 4 voices a capella
words: Stephen Crane)
The Joyce Book (1991/2015)
15 Songs after poetry from James Joyce
Dante Baby (Song), words: Charles Bukowski
Gegenlied / Gegen Verführung (2 Chansons), words: Bertold Brecht
Kuppellied (Chanson), words: Bertold Brecht
Lied von der verderbten Unschuld beim Wäschefalten
(Chanson), words: Bertold Brecht
Was es ist (Chanson), words: Erich Fried
7 songs after words from Mascha Kaleko
6 songs after words from Erich Kästner
Alter Zeiten Glück / Traum eines schüchternen Vampirs
(2 chansons)
Falling (Song)
FHM = available at Hofmeister Musikverlag Leipzig
All other works are available at Verlag Neue Musik Berlin